Burke, VACosmetic Dentistry

Enhance Your Smile Today

Cosmetic dental care improves the aesthetics of your smile. Cosmetic dental care gives patients a straighter, brighter, and more brilliant smile. We also offer unique smile makeovers for our patients. A smile makeover uses multiple cosmetic dental treatments to improve the health and aesthetics of the smile. For example, we may offer Invisalign and teeth whitening treatment for patients to straighten and brighten their teeth. Several different treatments can create customized results for each individual. 

cosmetic dentistry in Burke Virginia

Cosmetic Dentistry at Smiles By Mia

Our cosmetic dental solutions address the appearance and health of the smile. Dr. Mia uses advanced digital diagnostics to evaluate your needs and works with you to achieve your aesthetic goals while supporting your long-term dental health. Learn about our cosmetic treatments below:


This alternative to traditional braces uses clear trays to straighten teeth. Invisalign uses custom-made aligners that shift teeth into a straighter position over time. Patients switch out their trays every few weeks to realign their teeth.

We also offer Propel, a treatment that can accelerate Invisalign treatment. Using a handheld device at home, Propel will create small perforations in the gum tissue to increase blood flow to the gums, stimulate the healing process and accelerate tooth movement. To learn more about your Invisalign treatment options in Burke, see Invisalign.

Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers are thin shell-like restorations made of porcelain ceramic. Veneers can cover one or more teeth in the smile line. Lumineers and the Snap-On Smile are similar treatments to veneers. The Snap-On Smile is a resin tray that patients use to cover their top and bottom rows of teeth. Lumineers are no-prep veneers and thinner than porcelain veneers. To learn about our porcelain veneers procedure, see Porcelain Veneers.

Dental Bonding

Tooth bonding treatment covers tooth gaps, discoloration, and even slightly crooked teeth. Bonding is an excellent alternative to dental veneers. We often provide bonding treatment for patients with smaller cosmetic problems. Patients with one or several minor cosmetic imperfections benefit from bonding treatment. To learn about our dental bonding procedure, see Teeth Bonding.

Teeth Whitening

KöR teeth whitening uses in-office and take-home whitening treatments to brighten the natural tooth enamel. Although this treatment is extensive, the results are worth it for many patients. In addition, patients who choose KöR can receive professional results. Depending on the patient, whitening results can last multiple years. To learn about our teeth whitening services, see Teeth Whitening.

Why Get Cosmetic Dentistry?

When people come into our office for cosmetic dentistry treatment, it’s usually for the appearance of their smiles. By definition, cosmetic dentistry is about the aesthetics of your smile and how it relates to the rest of your mouth. But cosmetic problems usually have their roots in other oral health problems in the mouth.

Crooked teeth are one of the best examples of this. When you come to our office worried about crooked teeth, it’s usually because of the way they look. But crooked teeth can result in a variety of other oral health issues.

When teeth are crooked, they come together at odd angles and might be cramped or overlap. It’s harder to clean crooked teeth properly compared to when they’re aligned properly. Your toothbrush and dental floss may not be able to reach all of the plaque and tartar buildup. In extreme cases, our dental tools can’t reach it either. Even if you’re doing oral healthcare completely correct, you’re still at risk for things like cavities and gum disease.

Our teeth are designed to come together in a specific way, evenly distributing the pressure of the bite across all of your teeth. But when the bite is uneven, some teeth are taking on more of that pressure than others. Those teeth wear down faster than the other teeth, and are more susceptible to chipping or breaking. With these issues, you face the need for restorative dentistry to give you back the full look and function of your teeth.

An uneven bite is one of the biggest causes of TMJ disorders. Your jaw doesn’t track and come together smoothly, causing the jaw joint to break down. Then, the muscles that help the jaw move become tense and strained, because they’re not moving properly either. This condition gets worse the longer it’s left go. It can lead to pain and tension throughout your face and head, clicking and popping when your jaw moves, and problems opening and closing your mouth.

Cosmetic Dentistry Aftercare

When you get cosmetic dental services, you want to keep the results as long as possible. It’s our goal to give you lasting results and a smile you’re proud to show off. Taking care of your smile properly after cosmetic treatment is the best way to ensure that it lasts for the long haul.

The best thing you can do for your smile is to brush and floss regularly, as well as visit the dentist every six months. It’s the best way to avoid staining and other issues with your teeth. If you develop tooth decay or gum disease, those are big detriments to the quality of your smile.

Make sure to avoid habits and foods that can stain your smile. Porcelain veneers and other dental resorations are stain-resistant, but they’ll stain with time. The more you’re doing things like smoking or drinking coffee, the more at risk you are for stains. If you’re going to consume staining beverages, use a straw. A vape can help ensure that smoking doesn’t stain your teeth as badly.

There are certain conditions in which we may turn you down for cosmetic services. You can’t be someone that grinds their teeth if you want to get porcelain veneers. This damages the veneers and makes them more likely to pop off. We can discuss a custom mouthguard to see if that will be effective to protect your restoration.

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on improving the look of your teeth, gums, and smile. As with any medical procedure, it’s important to understand what to expect before you make any decisions. This section will answer some frequently asked questions about cosmetic dentistry so you can make an informed decision.

How long do dental veneers last?

Lumineers can last ten or even fifteen years, while regular porcelain veneers typically last eight to twelve years. However, how patients care for their lumineers or veneers impacts their longevity. Patients must continue a good oral hygiene routine and brush and floss daily. 

Am I a candidate for Invisalign treatment?

Teenagers and adults with mild or moderate orthodontic concerns are the best candidates for Invisalign. We recommend metal braces for patients who need added treatment because of an overbite, underbite, or other orthodontic problem. Patients will need to remove their aligners to eat and clean their smiles, which means there is more responsibility. 

How can I whiten my teeth if I have deep tooth stains?

Patients with intrinsic stains benefit more from dental bonding or porcelain veneers than whitening treatment. Professional whitening treatment can address extrinsic stains caused outside of the tooth. Intrinsic stains due to tooth wear or damage within the tooth: veneers and bonding treatment cover stains and discoloration with porcelain ceramic and biocompatible resin.

Should I get porcelain veneers or lumineers?

Dental veneers can cover broken and stained teeth. We recommend veneers for patients who want a permanent option to cover one or more injured or discolored teeth. Lumineers are potentially reversible because they require minimal or no preparation. Although lumineers are less expensive, they are less effective than veneers when covering severe dental injuries or staining. We will examine your smile before treatment to help you determine if traditional veneers or lumineers are right for your needs.

Call Our Office Today

Do you want to enhance your natural smile or have further questions? Request a dental consultation with us online or contact Smiles by Mia at (571) 789-1265. We serve patients from Springfield, Fairfax, Burke, and the surrounding areas of Virginia. Let us know if you have any questions or current concerns, and we will be glad to help.